Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Post Ever

Welcome to Man Lunch. Here you will find delicious and (semi) nutritious lunches, breakfast and dinners. How did Man Lunch come to be? Well, it’s a long story as most of them are, but it started out one day when Charlie, that’s me, was hungry.  Funny thing is, I’m hungry most days, actually I’m hungry several times a day. Back to the beginning, one day for lunch I decided to make me a sammich with the ingredients in the refrigerator. Luckily for me we had a spiral cut ham. I suppose eating the ham straight from the bone would have been the manliest thing to do, but certainly not so creative. I’m a native New Mexican so no meal is complete without a hearty flour tortilla and some cheddar cheese. Low and behold I had those in the refrigerator as well. So, tortilla, plenty of spiral cut ham, some cheddar cheese (any queso will do) and the final touch? Some Tapatillo! Now that’s a Man Lunch.
So, now you know the origin of Man Lunch. I will be posting my first recipe soon. Today I wanted to introduce myself and my blog. It’s hard jumping off the high dive, you know? Stay tuned for the Egg Sandwhich, and plenty of other egg recipes as my ladies, not My Lady, but my hens love to have their eggs used in my cooking.
Thanks for reading!